
Scroll down for an update on our conservation work, our ongoing campaigns, our upcoming events, our volunteer opportunities, and press.

Amerikohl Proposes New Surface Mine in Fayette County

November 27, 2018
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As part of the Revtai Government Financed Construction Project, Amerikohl is proposing a new strip mine in Fayette County near Melcroft PA.…

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Help Create a Sustainable Future for Fayette County

November 8, 2018
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Help shape the future of investment and development in Fayette County by attending one of the Fayette County Comprehensive Strategy Open House…

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Over 50 participate in Grassroots Organizing Summit

November 5, 2018
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From October 12-14th, Mountain Watershed Association hosted a Grassroots Organizing Summit for leaders working on issues related to shale gas and petrochemical…

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Over 100 participate in Defend Our Water: Day of Action

November 2, 2018
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On October 24th, over 100 people gathered at the headwaters of the Ohio River in Pittsburgh. There, Native leaders Degawenodas, Wolf Clan…

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More Funds Raised for the Gorge Section of the Indian Creek Valley Trail

October 24, 2018
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Nearly $2,380 was raised at The Art of Completing the GORGEous Trail fundraiser held on October 20, graciously hosted by Vin De…

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