
Scroll down for an update on our conservation work, our ongoing campaigns, our upcoming events, our volunteer opportunities, and press.

Over 50 participate in Grassroots Organizing Summit

November 5, 2018
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From October 12-14th, Mountain Watershed Association hosted a Grassroots Organizing Summit for leaders working on issues related to shale gas and petrochemical…

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Over 100 participate in Defend Our Water: Day of Action

November 2, 2018
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On October 24th, over 100 people gathered at the headwaters of the Ohio River in Pittsburgh. There, Native leaders Degawenodas, Wolf Clan…

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More Funds Raised for the Gorge Section of the Indian Creek Valley Trail

October 24, 2018
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Nearly $2,380 was raised at The Art of Completing the GORGEous Trail fundraiser held on October 20, graciously hosted by Vin De…

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Support Charitable Organizations with AmazonSmile

October 9, 2018
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Did you know that you could be raising money for a 501©3 charitable organization like MWA just by regularly shopping online… at…

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Donate to Complete the Gorge Section of the Indian Creek Valley Trail

October 1, 2018
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The Indian Creek Valley Trail gorge section extends 4.3 miles from Camp Christian to the confluence of Indian Creek and the Youghiogheny…

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