
Scroll down for an update on our conservation work, our ongoing campaigns, our upcoming events, our volunteer opportunities, and press.

Thousands Call on Chevron to Apologize for Pizza Coupons

February 26, 2014

Pizza doesn’t mean never having to say you’re sorry. When one of its gas wells exploded in Dunkard Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania,…

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Drilling in North Huntingdon Community Parks

February 25, 2014
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Drilling OK’d in Braddock’s Trail and Oak Hollow Parks On Wednesday, February 19, by a vote of five to two, the North…

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More News on Proposed Donegal/Saltlick Deep Mine

February 17, 2014
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In considering the proposed deep mine, we thought it appropriate to reflect on recent issues caused by historic deep mines in our…

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Summer 2014 Internship Available

January 29, 2014
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Want to work in the beautiful Laurel Highlands this summer?  We are currently seeking a Summer Field Intern for May through August…

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MWA Receives Growing Greener Funds for Kalp System Rehabilitation

January 27, 2014
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On January 22, 2014, MWA was awarded $305,819.00 in Growing Greener Funding for rehabilitation of one of our existing abandoned mine discharge systems.  Prior to…

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