
Scroll down for an update on our conservation work, our ongoing campaigns, our upcoming events, our volunteer opportunities, and press.

DEP Finally Issues Orders on Curry Pollution

July 17, 2014
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For over a year we’ve been filing complaints about extensive erosion and sedimentation issues emanating from the Curry Mine site in Dunbar Township,…

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PEMA Protects Bomb Trains

July 10, 2014
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You’ve likely seen them.  Very long trains with all black cylindrical rail cars.  The red placard shows the number 1267.  These trains are…

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Shale Gas Well Impacts Local Private Water Supplies

July 9, 2014
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A recent Post-Gazette article highlights the plight of several families affected by a leaking impoundment at the Kalp well site located in…

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Swimmable Waters Materials Available

June 17, 2014
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The first and second rounds of sampling for our Swimmable Waters project are in the book!  We’re pleased to report that water…

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Swimmable Waters Project

May 28, 2014
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We have received funds from The Pittsburgh Foundation’s Health and The Environmental Giving Circle to conduct water sampling at popular swimming locations during Summer 2014.  We’re…

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