
Scroll down for an update on our conservation work, our ongoing campaigns, our upcoming events, our volunteer opportunities, and press.

Youghiogheny Riverkeeper Comments on Proposed Rustic Ridge Deep Mine

February 3, 2015
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Today we’ll feature testimony submitted by Krissy Kasserman, our Youghiogheny Riverkeeper, at last week’s hearing on the proposed Rustic Ridge deep mine. Find background…

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Field Technician Carla Ruddock’s Comments on Proposed Rustic Ridge Deep Mine

February 2, 2015
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This week we’ll be posting testimony from our staff and supporters regarding the proposed Rustic Ridge deep mine.  Find background information on…

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Nearly 130 Residents Attend Rustic Ridge Deep Mine Hearing

January 30, 2015
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Approximately 130 people attended DEP’s public hearing on LCT Energy’s proposed Rustic Ridge deep mine on Wednesday, January 28. Guess who didn’t…

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Meetings Scheduled For Proposed Tenaska Natural-Gas Fired Power Plant

January 13, 2015
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As plans continue for the construction of Tenaska’s natural gas-fired power plant along the Youghiogheny River in Westmoreland County, residents in South…

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Public Meeting Scheduled for Rustic Ridge Deep Mine

December 21, 2014
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The public meeting for the proposed Rustic Ridge deep mine in Saltlick Township, Fayette County and Donegal Township, Westmoreland County, has been…

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