
Scroll down for an update on our conservation work, our ongoing campaigns, our upcoming events, our volunteer opportunities, and press.

Do you live in a bomb train evacuation zone?

March 26, 2015
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The dangers of transporting crude oil by rail are now well known following high profile and fiery derailments in Lynchburg, Virginia; Fayette…

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Energy Consumption & Conservation: Home Lighting

March 18, 2015
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This post is part of a series on energy consumption and conservation.  For other posts in this series please click here. Home…

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Energy Consumption & Conservation: An Overview

March 4, 2015
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This post is part of a series on energy consumption and conservation.  For other posts in this series please click here. Energy…

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Save the Date for our 2nd Grassroots Summit!

February 25, 2015
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Plans are underway for this year’s Spring Grassroots Summit which will be held June 12-14th, 2015 at the Laurelville Mennonite Center near…

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Rustic Ridge Deep Mine Update

February 24, 2015
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The Department of Environmental Protection California District Mining Office held a public meeting  on Wednesday, January 28, 2015, at the Donegal Community…

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