
Scroll down for an update on our conservation work, our ongoing campaigns, our upcoming events, our volunteer opportunities, and press.

That Familiar Stream-side Tune

April 7, 2020
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I thought I heard a song I’ve just been dying to hear lately. It was getting a little chilly outside as the…

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An Early Spring Hike Through Bear Run

March 24, 2020
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While I’ve always loved exploring the woods, I found myself going out for walks much more frequently last week. I’ve been out…

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Recreation in the Yough: Is Bacteria a Concern?

March 11, 2020
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Mountain Watershed Association has been dedicated to clean water for over 25 years. We believe the path to cleaner water uses science,…

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MAX Environmental Hazardous Waste Expansion Part I

February 27, 2020
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January 30th Community Meeting On January 30th, 2020, MAX Environmental Services, Pennsylvania’s largest Class C hazardous waste facility, held a voluntary public…

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Source Water in the Highlands

January 22, 2020
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The sources of water throughout our area seem abundant.  In fact, Pennsylvania has the highest stream density and second only to Alaska…

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