Protect Your Water and Property Rights

Make Sure Your Information Is Listed Correctly

If you live above or near the proposed Rustic Ridge II Mine or the proposed mining expansion, it is important to preserve your ability to claim certain protections. These protections were created to help those who may suffer from mining-related property damage. 

One important way you can protect your ability to access such help is by checking the permit application and making sure your property is listed correctly. For example, if you have a barn or other structure that is not listed, it should be included. Or, if your water well is listed but the quantity or “yield” is missing, you should request a “flow rate test.” The mine operator should come and measure the well’s flow and include that information. 

This is all important because it shows what your property was like before mining occurred. Later on, this helps to prove that mining was the cause of damages, and that the operator is responsible for restoring your property. 

How Do I Know if My Property Should Be Included? 

If any part of your property is above the proposed expansion barrier, it should be listed in the spreadsheets linked below. If you live beyond the boundary, you may still be entitled to inclusion.  If your property is near but not within the boundary, contact MWA and we will help you determine whether you’re entitled to inclusion.

Link for expansion spreadsheet:

Link for RRII spreadsheet:

If the information in the spreadsheet is incorrect, please do all three of the following steps: 

  1. Fill out to inform MWA staff of the errors or call (724) 455-4200 ext.7#
  2. Contact the DEP at (724) 769-1100 and speak to Wendy Noe or Gregory Ayres to inform them of the errors. 
  3. Contact LCT at (814) 254-4065 or (724) 787-5572 to inform them of the errors 

If you cannot access the spreadsheet or would like to meet with MWA staff on this issue, please contact Maddie Hinkle at or at (724) 455-4200 ext.7#