Invasive insect traps placed along ICV Trail

Mountain Watershed Association is partnering with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture along the Indian Creek Trail to look for invasive insects.

Using a trap like the one in the picture, the Pennsylvania Department of Agricultureā€™s Plant Protection Division is conducting a detection survey for:

  • European Cherry Fruit Fly
  • European Grapevine Moth
  • Summer Fruit Tortrix Moth

You’ll see these traps on the “Jones Mills” section of the trail near the parking lot in Champion, PA. You would pass them if you started in Champion and walked towards Rt 31/Jones Mills.

Surveys like this are essential for the early detection of invasive pests. By finding them early, we can prevent these pests from become a threat to our crops, which reduces the use of pesticides and is step toward ensuring the long-term health of our ecosystem. If you find a trap while you are out on one of your own adventures, make sure to leave it be! These traps will be visited every two weeks by Department of Agriculture staff to check their progress.

Together we are working to promote a thriving and resilient agricultural landscape for generations to come!