Interactive Map Shows Link Between Local Government and Shale Gas Development

As a part of our Shale Gas Rapid Response Project, with the help of FracTracker Alliance, we are excited to present to you our interactive zoning map! By simply entering your zip code at the top of the screen, you will be seconds away from accessing all of the important information regarding local zoning procedures, including links to ordinances, comprehensive plans, and contact information for your local municipal officials. Other available layers include unconventional well permits, violations, existing wells, pipelines, compressor stations, schools and hospitals. These layers combine to show the true nature of unconventional oil and gas buildout and how it relates to local government.

To view your community, click here for the full version of the map and enter your zip code in the upper right hand corner.

Helping citizens to learn about the issue of zoning and to become involved in the public process is a great first step in ensuring proper protection against the harmful effects of oil and gas expansion. A more in-depth discussion about the data that was used in the formulation of this map is available on the FracTracker website. If you have any comments or questions regarding the map, feel free to contact our Community Organizer, Jordan Hoover, at or (724) 455-4200, ext. 6#.

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